Feet font, dancing letters
18 mar 2021 Opdated Web Application. Originally this was 8 variations of the theme: the foot position when standing and waiting. Through overdubbing 28 stances were made, and many different dances can be written.
Forskellige ting til web. Fra de helt små til store projekter. Animationer, Data-høst med videre.
18 mar 2021 Opdated Web Application. Originally this was 8 variations of the theme: the foot position when standing and waiting. Through overdubbing 28 stances were made, and many different dances can be written.
8 jun 2019 How did the political parties perform round the country at the Danish election, June 2019? Where did they under perform relative to their average, the election result? How do the performance-map look in comparison with each other?
Are you just about to communicate a size of an area? Then get it converted to something easy to grasp: Soccer filed, tennis courts, islands, lakes …
Write 6 numbers in the box and start the game. I have given you 4 credit to start with.
Note, there’s no real winning, just the fun.
On the Royal Copenhagen’s Christmas shopping bag the brand name offers a pretty bad kerning experience! It is hereby treated through crowd kerning.
12 apr 2017 Take a small break with the pastime: 12 April 2017. A windy day, and the danish open air ban for poultry, due to the avian flu, is lifted.
Exponentiel acceleration animated. How long time does it take to fill the tub, and when do you reckon it being filled?
This is a tool that lets you design a type poster by setting various parameters. And out of these parameters generate random examples.
1 dec 2013 November 2013. Before 2015 all contact between the Danish authorities and the citizens must be digital. But how many public web sites are right now web savvy.
The magazine is a html5 browser based application that runs equaly on computer, tablet and smartphones.
How large should a button be on a touch device for you to be sure to hit it?
Calculate the time it takes to boil an egg, from the time when you put the egg into boiling water.
18 jun 2016 Continuous switch between the danish YES and NO. Animation for the Brexit Referendum undecided.
Wil Blog: 2 dec 2009 The dots are distributed randomly within defined areas. Chosen (no, not at random) but by some kind of intuition. Distributed over time as notes and composed as a logo sound.
With Xierpa it is possible to construct a web application or a web site that adapts to the individual user and the output conditions.
Re-touch: Now, this list is the end of seven years abstention from 33⅓ RPM 12" black vinyl and the feel of the grand cardboard covers.
Main web site with other kinds of portfolio stuff.
Details of various importance on graphics, web and communication
Imperfegg is a font shop, selling font subscription and web-type hosting for a small collection of imperfect fonts